Everything will be fair: in Ethiopia, during the school exams, the Internet

01 June 2017, 16:36 | Technologies
photo InternetUA
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To avoid leakage of information in school exams, the Ethiopian authorities decided to temporarily close their Internet.

While in Ukraine school children complain about the closure of the social network "VKontakte", their Ethiopian one-year is much worse, but they already seem to have got used to this scenario. Ethiopia once again temporarily closed its "digital borders". This was done in order to avoid leakage of information during examinations.

To such strict measures, the African country resorted to the fact that in the past year on the Internet the answers to the tasks of examinations for graduates appeared in advance.

The Google Transparency Report confirms that on Tuesday, May 30, in Ethiopia around 16:00 UK time, outbound traffic was suspended. According to Google, throughout the evening attendance sites fell sharply. On Wednesday night, access to Ethiopian sites was still limited.

According to the publication of The Guardian, in 2016, activists published online answers to exam questions for students graduation 12-th grade.

Thus, they called for the postponement of exams in connection with the closure of schools in the state of Oromia. Now the authorities of the country seem to have decided to reinsure themselves and have previously restricted access to the Internet.

During the past year, Ethiopia blocked access to the Internet three times. In July last year, authorities decided to limit traffic after the network had answers to exam questions in one of the prestigious universities. The second closure of the "digital borders" took place in August of the same year.

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