A resident of Switzerland will pay more than $ 4,000 for "like" in social networks

01 June 2017, 10:09 | Technologies
photo InternetUA
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Swiss citizen for the first time in the history of the country sentenced to a fine for "like" in the social network Facebook.

45-year-old man on the verdict of the court in Zurich will pay a fine of $ 4 thousand. Francs (4,1 thousand. Dollars).

In 2015, the Swiss put "likes" to the comments of activists who accused the head of the Association for the Protection of Animals Erwin Kessler in racism and anti-Semitism.

Kessler sued not only the authors of comments, but also all those who put "like" under the message.

In the verdict of the court it is noted that "Laik" means the approval of an offensive commentary. Such a verdict is made in Switzerland for the first time.

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