Cyberpolitics exposed the distributing child pornography officer Gosspetssvyazi

01 June 2017, 04:29 | Technologies
photo InternetUA
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The attacker was seized 1.5 GB of video files with images of a pornographic nature Employees of the Department of Cyber ??Police of the National Police of Ukraine found that a 37-year-old employee of the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine in the Volyn region distributed files on the Internet with child pornography. This is reported by the Department of Cyber ??Police of the National Police of Ukraine.

It is noted that the attacker was seized 1.5 GB of video files with pornographic images that he distributed throughout the year.

"Having the skills of working on the Internet and knowing the methods of conspiracy, the senior engineer of the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine in the Volyn region distributed through the Internet pornographic videos featuring children aged 7 to 16 years. To do this, the attacker used his personal computer, and stored the content on an external hard drive, "the message says..

Computer, external hard drive, router and cable modem, which were seized from the attacker during the search, are sent for examination.

Investigative actions are being carried out, the man is threatened with up to ten years of imprisonment.

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:D :lol: :-) ;-) 8) :-| :-* :oops: :sad: :cry: :o :-? :-x :eek: :zzz :P :roll: :sigh:
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