DFS explained, chim Wiklikane, wearing off-premise branded goods

01 June 2017, 01:18 | Technologies
photo InternetUA
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Intermediary imported to Ukraine branded goods in the viklikane by checkouts by the inspection bodies of the Internet shop.

Proze in a seizure agreement stating in. Голов Державної фіскальної служби України Miroslav Prodan, transfer to Espreso. TV.

"At ZMІ, the boule was announced, but the DFS got used to low level visits to the edge of branded speeches.

Having recognized myself as a person, I declare that, at the same time, I am obliged to conduct low-level checks of Internet shops and rituals, and pass through the dispersal of international postings, "said Prodan.

Uryadivets naholosiv, scho legislativnymi normi mitnі obmezhenna schodo vvveznenya kavkazіv zalishilis nezminnimi.

"Mi published their position. Can not zrozumiti, to whom such a resonance otsrimala tsya іnformatsіya. The procedure was functional and functional, it was indicated by the Mitnym Code, and by the international conventions, "-.

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