In the Internet, you can buy everything that is beneficial to you, even for a good price. Вім, є одне «але». We can pick up a cat in a box! Як інтернет-магазини та продавці-шахраї із сайів голошень муть throw us to the groins - it's our criminality expert, lawyer Jaroslav Kuts.
Kiivi zhinka has buried trampoline in the Internet. The result - yogi stink so did not repel. Teper malechia striba in істериці. Mom throwing uncle-scam zmerzhі. The seller, a kind of rozmistiv obogoshennya on vidomі інтернет-платформі, здер з покупниці гроші і зник. Shahrai vimagav vіd zhinky pererahuvati the whole sum in advance - Mayzh dvі тисячі гривень. Vaughn behaved, paid, and if I got a call - on that kitsy bil'shei nihto not vidpovіv.
Замовили брендову річ в інтернеті? Do not hurry to get used to shopping in front of friends, leave your hands on your hands. It is not a fact, but to bring you, those who have paid for your money,.
At taku halep having spent 20-річний юнак із Запоріжжя. Chlopets being bitten in an Internet shop. Vddav for them zahmarnu sumu, and if yomu brought omrіyane vzuttya - not pereviriv his eyes! Замість брендових кросівок йому втюхали китайську підробку!.
Yak do not become a victim?.
Do not you want to spend money on a saleswoman in Shakhtar? Перевірте про нього всё інформацію! Introduce the system of yoga dan. It is possible, noblely, a well-known swindler at least in the past and in the future zibrano chimal of unhappy vidgukiv.
Вивчіть і itself goods. Rozpitayte pro nyogo in the seller's mustache, before dribnichok. Pridivitsya to photo. Yaksho svitlina obviously taken from the site of the vibro, then the photo is enlarged "nazhivo", and not only. So you can help yourself to get to know yourself.
Купуєте техніку в інтернет-магазині - обов'язково дізнайтеся серійний номер товару в вддправкою. And with otrimanni - perevirte yogo. Do not zbigayatsya?
Warehouse services for the delivery of goods and services, and not to take goods, do not leave the situation with the help of a dispenser.
Roshrachuvaytes for pribbany in the Internet, deprived of the amount of money returned and looked around the goods. Do not pay beforehand.
Pam'yataite! You see the right to turn the non-clear goods by 14 dniv. Promote? Take your checks, rozdrukovuyte correspondence with the seller that інші proofs and zvertaytesya to Managements Держпродспоживслужби та правохоронних оргаів.