Scientists explain the presence of blood clots in infected with COVID-19

29 July 2021, 21:12 | Science
photo Корреспондент.net
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Biologists at the University of Reading in the UK believe that blood clots in the vessels of patients with severe coronavirus infection are formed due to errors in the assembly of antibodies. Writes about this magazine Blood. " It is noted that infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus causes massive inflammation in the immune system, due to which blood clots form, and then problems with the cardiovascular system appear.. We will remind, earlier scientists from the RCSI University of Medical Sciences argued that blood clots are formed due to the high level of the ADAMTS13 molecule and its protein. Scientists have figured out a possible link between thrombosis and vaccination News from Telegram. Subscribe to our channel https: // t. me / korrespondentnet Author: 1.

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