Scientists believe SARS-CoV-2 may cause autoimmune diseases

21 October 2020, 08:57 | Science
photo Корреспондент.net
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Colombian scientist Carlos Canas believes that after infection with coronavirus, some patients can develop systemic lupus erythematosus, autoimmune thrombocytopenia, Guillain-Barre syndrome, vasculitis and multiple sclerosis. Izvestia writes about this on Tuesday, October 20. " He clarified that we are talking about increased fatigue, joint pain, muscle pain and other conditions.. " According to him, with COVID-19, the immune system is suppressed, which possibly provokes the development of autoimmune processes.. " Earlier it was reported that for the development of herd immunity in the human population, the minimum proportion of the vaccinated population should be from 52 to 64%. News from in Telegram. Subscribe to our channel https: // t. me / korrespondentnet Author: 1.

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