Scientists have proposed a method for restoring retinal cells

18 August 2020, 08:49 | Science
photo Корреспондент.net
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The University of Toronto has developed a hydrogel that restores retinal cell function. This is reported in an article by the University of Toronto engineering news. “The hydrogel developed at the university helps to effectively integrate new cells into the eye.. It ensures their even distribution, reduces inflammation and promotes cell regeneration in the first days after injections, ”the article says.. The authors of the method note that an important feature of the method is the introduction of two types of cells at once - photoreceptors and retinal epithelial cells. The hydrogel has sufficient viscosity to ensure good distribution of both types of cells and, at the same time, is easy to insert through a very fine needle. " The results, which, as the university emphasize, are still preliminary in nature.

At the moment, the team is ready to continue preclinical research, but the path from experimental treatment to medical practice is not close, they warn.. Earlier, American scientists from the University of Virginia found a link between physical activity and a slowdown or complete cessation of the development of macular degeneration, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy and other eye diseases that lead to blindness with age.. News from in Telegram. Subscribe to our channel https: // t. me / korrespondentnet Author: 1.

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