Leaders in many countries choose the wrong way to fight COVID-19 - WHO

14 July 2020, 03:45 | Science
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In many countries of the world, the fight against COVID-19 was not organized correctly. On Monday, July 13, said the head of the World Health Organization Tedros Adan Gebrejesus. " Coronavirus remains the number one enemy of society, but the actions of many governments and people do not reflect this, " At the same time, the head of WHO did not specify which countries he was talking about, but noted that each state should " Gebreyesus also warned that the situation with coronavirus would worsen if the basic principles of public health were not followed.. “Every leader, every government and every person can contribute to breaking the chains of the virus and ending collective suffering.

We all hope for an effective vaccine, but we must focus on using the tools at our disposal to break the chains and save lives, " As Gebreyesus previously stated, the study of the occurrence of COVID-19 should begin with Wuhan, since it was there that the first outbreak of the disease. Recall, WHO experts went to China to determine the origin of coronavirus. Scientists must find out how the infection was transmitted from animals to humans. News from Telegram. Subscribe to our channel https: // t. me / korrespondentnet Author: 1.

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