Freshening melon soup with milk

01 February 2025, 16:32 | Health
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When it's hot outside, I want something light and refreshing. Melon is an ideal ingredient for such dishes, because it is not only tasty, but also healthy. In this recipe, we will show how to prepare an unusual manual soup with milk, which is ideal for a summer dinner or as a dessert.

For this recipe, you will need only a few simple ingredients: ripe melon, milk, egg yolk and a little sugar. This combination creates a harmonious taste, where the sweetness of the melon is balanced by the softness of milk, and adding the yolk gives the soup a delicate texture.

The first step you need to clean the melon from the peel and seeds, then cut the pulp into small pieces. In a pan, mix the melon with sugar and simmer over low heat until it becomes soft and starts to secrete juice. It is important that the melon does not burn, so the dishes should be covered with a lid.

While the melon stews, we will do the dairy part. In a small pan, combine milk and egg yolk. Stirring constantly, heat the mixture, but do not bring to a boil so that the egg does not curl. As soon as the milk becomes warmer, remove the pan from the heat and let it cool a little.

When the melon is ready, carefully connect it to the milk mixture.

Rub the mass through a sieve or use a blender to achieve a more homogeneous consistency. Such a soup can be served both in warm and cold, depending on preferences.

If you want to enhance the taste, you can add a little vanilla or cinnamon. This will give an additional notes to the drone soup and make it even more aromatic. Such an easy and healthy soup is an excellent addition to the summer menu, which will not only quench thirst, but also charge with energy.

. Com. UA.

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