Veal in milk with aromatic herbs

Today, 14:08 | Health
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Veal cooked in milk with aromatic herbs is a tasty and sophisticated dish that is ideal for both a festive dinner and everyday meals. This recipe combines the tenderness of meat and the softness of milk, and herbs give the dish a unique aroma.

To prepare, let's start by preparing the meat.. Take 600 g of veal tenderloin and thoroughly remove the tendon film.. This is an important step to ensure the meat is soft and easy to chew.. After this, cut the meat into portions to make it easier to cook and serve..

Then prepare the milk base for cooking the veal. Bring 600 ml milk to a boil in a saucepan. Once it boils, add aromatic herbs - thyme, rosemary and sage. Don’t forget about allspice black and pink peppercorns, which will add a special piquancy to the dish.. Add 15 g of salt and stir. Place chopped veal in milk and cook until done, about 20 minutes. The milk will gradually absorb the flavors, and the meat will become soft and juicy..

Meanwhile, prepare the cream sauce. To do this, in a small saucepan, mix 150 g of 38% cream with Provencal herbs. Place over medium heat and let the mixture simmer slightly until the sauce thickens and becomes creamy.. This sauce will give the meat a rich and velvety taste that is in perfect harmony with milk and herbs..

When the veal is ready, cool it a little and cut it into slices across the grain. This is important so that the meat is especially soft and easy to chew..

Place the slices on a plate, pour aromatic cream sauce on top and garnish with fresh herbs - parsley or thyme.

This dish goes well with any side dish - from potatoes to fresh vegetables.. Herbed milk adds a unique flavor to the meat, and the creamy sauce makes it incredibly tender.. If you like, you can vary the herbs a little, adding, for example, bay leaf or basil for a brighter flavor..

Thus, veal in milk with aromatic herbs is not only healthy, but also a very tasty dish that will delight your loved ones and guests.

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