How to save yourselves in the era of technology

03 November 2024, 12:32 | Health
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The daily life with these technological advances keeps us stuck in front of our screens. Today our eyes recognize great aspirations, be it working at a computer, watching TV or using mobile phones. As our ancestors marveled in the distance, we were often surrounded by walls with screens, which is negative for the health of the eyes.

In the case of constant visual attention, the eyes are quickly turned on, and the loss of vision becomes an unnoticeable process.. When the body uses more nervous energy to process vision information, it is important to remember the rules that will help protect eye health.

Proper posture plays a key role in maintaining a healthy eye. The swellings of the neck are directly connected with blood flow to the brain and eyes. If the muscles are tense or positioned incorrectly, the judges squeeze together, causing the eyes to bleed. If this leads to dryness, then there will be pain in the eyes, so it is important to respect your body positions during the hour of work..

The work place is also important. The table and monitor must be at the correct height, and stand at least 50 cm from the screen. This helps relieve stress on the eye ridge.

To relieve eye sores, simply have the right. For example, blinking with a few quills will improve blood circulation. Also, straighten the sides of the eyes without turning the head, which helps to relax the muscles.

Another one to the right, which will help to identify the second one - then look at the point on the slope of the object in the distance. This helps to relax your eyes, especially if you spend a lot of hours on the computer or phone.

Take care of your eyes, watch your eyes and regularly put them in the right place for your eyes to preserve health in your minds in everyday life..

e-news. com. ua.

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