Parkinson's disease: early signs that need to be addressed

08 April 2024, 15:52 | Health
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Parkinson's disease: early signs that need to be treated Parkinson's disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects the various aspects of the life of patients. Although the main symptoms, such as tremors, fleshy rigidity and excessive rumbling, it is clear that recent studies show that there are “unmistakable” or minor signs that may indicate on the cob and stages of illness. Early detection of these signs can help with immediate diagnosis and initial treatment.

One of these signs is a change in smell. People with Parkinson's disease may note that it is more important for them to distinguish or recognize song odors. This may be related to the activity of neurons that control sensations and odors, which may occur long before the onset of other common symptoms of illness..

Some patients notice changes in their voice and speech even before they notice any problems with their hearing. You can include smooth changes in the voice, unevenness in the rhythm of your speech, or create a slight monotony. These changes may be the result of an influx of illness into the nervous system, including those parts of the brain that control speech and voice.

Disturbed sleep may also be a warning sign of Parkinson's disease. Many patients note that smells become less fussy at bedtime, or that they can feel restless at night. This may be associated with changes in the levels of chemical substances in the brain, such as dopamine, which are responsible for the regulation of the brain.

One of the scientifically confirmed “unmistakable” signs of Parkinson’s disease is changes in the intestines.

Research has shown that patients with Parkinson's disease may experience changes in the intestinal microbiota, which may be associated with the influx of the disease into the nervous system.

Decreases in memory and other cognitive functions may also be an early sign of Parkinson's disease. Patients may note that it is more important for them to concentrate, or they may lose memory of speeches that they previously remembered more easily. This may result in damage to parts of the brain that contribute to memory and other cognitive functions..


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