Osteochondrosis is a wider disease of the ridge, which is characterized by degenerative changes in the interspinal discs and loins.
However, additional recommendations and recommendations can help in the prevention of osteochondrosis and the maintenance of a healthy spinal column. In this article, we can look at the main ones that come in, so you can live in order to prevent the development of osteochondrosis.
Support the correct setting: Make the correct setting a key aspect of prevention of osteochondrosis. Follow the position of the ridge for an hour of walking, sit and stand. Try to keep your back straight, pulled up and not bend in the dilyantsi nirok. Regularly correct for the correction of the m'yazіv of the back and the correction, put it can be dark brown.
Get regular physical exercise right: Physical activity plays an important role in the prevention of osteochondrosis. Regular exercises, such as walking, swimming, yoga or pilates, help to tighten the back pain, improve the flexibility and support a healthy spinal column. The stench also saturates the blood supply and the delivery of the living tissues to the tissue ridge.
Pick the right fit for that mattress: Choosing the right fit for that mattress is very important for a healthy spine. It’s vzuttya guilty to secure enough support for the foot and depreciation for an hour of walking. The mattress can be made hard, so that you can correct the correct position of the ridge for an hour to sleep.
Lift burdens correctly: Whenever you have to lift important objects, change your mind so that you do it right, so as not to upset the spine. Bend in the knees, keep your back straight and trim the vantage close to the body. Unify sharp ruptures and endure hardships equally between both hands.
Support a healthy vaga: Nadmirna vaga can put additional pressure on the ridge and resist the development of osteochondrosis. Support your healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and regular physical activity. Return to a nutritionist or trainer to develop an optimal plan for eating and training, so that you need support from your reach or support a healthy body.
Eliminate trival seat and wrong poses. Try to work and interrupt and break up the time for an hour of sitting on a robot, or for an hour of three trips. Vykoristovyte correctly sit that pillow for back support.
For the need to wear special belts or orthopedic inserts: For specific depressions, if there are special needs or problems with the health of the spine, you may need to use special corrective belts or orthopedic inserts. Return to the doctor or orthopedist to take individual recommendations.
Visnovki. Do the right set, regular physical right, the right lift up that mattress, the right technique for making important speeches, the right arm lift, the uniqueness of the tribal seat and the wrong postures - all these come in to take down the healthy column and the backbone lactic osteochondrosis.
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