Acupuncture: what is important to know

27 July 2023, 23:41 | Health
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Non-traditional methods of treatment are known for their use in the East. One of them is acupuncture, which involves the impact on the body by piercing certain points with metal needles..

This method was first used in ancient China.. The method that resembles torture is healing. It is based on physical. Acupuncture changes the permeability of nerve endings by electrical current. In general, this idea is to control the internal process of nervous activity by eliminating signals from the brain to the organs of the body.. The method helps in healing from many diseases.. Cosmetology also successfully practices acupuncture.

Mandatory factors To obtain the expected effect of acupuncture, certain conditions must be observed. It is necessary to determine the exact number and intensity of irritations, their site. But before that, it is important to diagnose the patient's condition.. These are extremely important factors in the treatment of a particular disease.. Cosmetology calls acupuncture acupuncture.

The fight against age-related skin changes Girls take care to prolong the fresh condition of the skin of the face for as long as possible. In cosmetic acupuncture, there are many techniques that are not in medical and are particularly effective.. The result is also not long in coming..

This method achieves several goals at once: elimination of mimic wrinkles, fight against age-related skin changes. A procedure is proposed to prevent sagging tissues, the second chin disappears or is significantly reduced. In addition, the skin acquires a tone and a different color, more delicate..

Painful sensations Acupuncture is performed as painlessly as possible. Specialists work with the finest disposable needles made specifically for beauty salons. Every detail has been thought of to ensure a smooth procedure.. But this method cannot be understood as the usual chipping of biologically active centers.

Number of visits for a visible result Everyone is interested in how many procedures are needed to enjoy the visible result of rejuvenation. The approximate number of sessions is about twelve procedures, which are carried out at intervals of a week.. The third visit to the beautician gives a visible effect that will last up to two years.

After that, the woman determines on her own whether she will attend maintenance sessions..

Improvements come faster or slower depending on age, hormonal changes in the body, skin type, overall health. Specialist provides detailed advice.

Positive aspects of acupuncture These include safety, first of all. This method has nothing to do with surgery, injections or incisions.. Of all the methods of rejuvenation, this is the most effective.. Cells are in good condition. The body starts the mechanism of rejuvenation on its own. The results of acupuncture are long lasting and easy to maintain..

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