What causes selenium deficiency

26 July 2023, 17:19 | Health
photo NeBoley.com.ua
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Selenium is a trace element essential for the proper functioning of the body.. It plays an important role in various biological processes and health maintenance.. However, a lack of selenium in the body can lead to various problems and diseases..

In this article, we will consider the consequences of selenium deficiency and its effect on the body..

Weakening of the immune system: Selenium plays an important role in maintaining the normal functioning of the immune system.. Selenium deficiency can lead to a decrease in the activity of immune cells and a deterioration in the body's immune defenses.. As a result, the risk of developing infections and diseases increases..

Inflammation: Selenium has antioxidant properties and helps reduce inflammation in the body.. Selenium deficiency can contribute to an increase in inflammation, which can lead to the development of chronic diseases such as arthritis, asthma, and other inflammatory conditions..

Deterioration of heart and vascular health: Selenium plays an important role in maintaining heart and vascular health. Selenium deficiency can lead to increased levels of inflammation and oxidative stress, which can worsen cardiovascular health. This can lead to the development of heart diseases such as atherosclerosis and an increased risk of heart attack..

Decreased thyroid health: Selenium plays an important role in the functioning of the thyroid gland and the formation of its hormones.. Selenium deficiency can lead to thyroid dysfunction and the development of diseases such as hypothyroidism.

Skin and Hair Problems: Selenium plays an important role in maintaining healthy skin and hair.. Selenium deficiency can lead to skin problems such as dryness, flaking, and pigmentation.. Also, selenium deficiency can contribute to hair loss and weakening..

Development of nervous disorders: Selenium is essential for the normal functioning of the nervous system. Selenium deficiency can lead to the development of nervous disorders such as depression, anxiety and poor memory..

It is important to note that selenium deficiency is relatively rare in countries with well balanced diets.. However, if you have risk factors, such as malnutrition or medical conditions that can interfere with selenium absorption, then you should pay attention to your intake of this micronutrient and discuss the situation with your doctor..

To prevent selenium deficiency and maintain its optimal level in the body, it is recommended to include foods rich in selenium in the diet..

These products include:.

Brazil nuts: They are one of the richest sources of selenium.. Just a few nuts a day can provide the body with enough of this micronutrient..

Seafood: Crayfish, shrimp, oysters and other seafood are high in selenium.. They are also rich sources of other beneficial nutrients..

Fish and meat: Salmon, tuna, turkey and beef contain selenium. Eating these foods regularly will help maintain optimal levels of selenium in the body..

Eggs: Eggs are also a good source of selenium.. They can be included in a variety of dishes and recipes..

Whole grains: Wheat, oats, and other whole grains contain selenium, as well as many other beneficial nutrients.. Including Whole Grains in Your Diet Will Help Maintain Healthy Selenium Levels in the Body. Although selenium deficiency can cause various problems, an excess of this trace element can also be harmful to the body..

Therefore, it is important to maintain a balance and follow the recommended intake of selenium depending on your age, gender and physical activity..

Concluding paragraph: Selenium deficiency can have serious consequences for the body. It can lead to a weakened immune system, poor heart health, skin and hair problems, and other negative effects..

It is important to maintain an optimal level of selenium in the body by eating foods rich in this trace element.. If necessary, consult with your doctor to determine your individual selenium level and recommendations for its intake..

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