Mud wraps and oil massages

24 July 2023, 10:08 | Health
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In summer, face and body skin care changes and becomes more gentle.. If in autumn and winter women pay more attention to their face, then summer is devoted to the body..

Sunburn is an indispensable summer companion for almost every one of us.. However, to get a beautiful and even tan, you need to do a peeling.. This procedure, which is the cleansing of the skin from dead cells and the renewal of the epidermis, is the first step towards a beautiful bronze color.. It is important to remember that gentle exfoliation is recommended in summer..

To “fix” and improve the results of peeling, body wraps and massages are usually done.. One of the most common procedures is the mud wrap.. Minerals contained in therapeutic mud help to remove excess fluid and toxins, while beneficial minerals freely penetrate into the skin cleansed by peeling.. In addition, mud wraps expand the vessels of the microcirculation, which leads to an increase in metabolic processes and saturation of tissues with oxygen..

Another equally pleasant and useful procedure - chocolate wraps - helps to kill two birds with one stone: it improves mood, since the iron and magnesium contained in chocolate are involved in the production of the hormone of happiness endorphin, and also has a beneficial effect on our figure and helps to reduce a couple of centimeters at the waist. Chocolate has the ability to remove unnecessary fluid from the body, and the caffeine contained in it stimulates blood flow, which in turn leads to the breakdown of fat cells.. True, the visible effect cannot be achieved with one procedure, therefore it is recommended to do chocolate wraps in a course with a certain interval..

Another popular procedure is a massage using sea buckthorn oil.. Sea buckthorn oil is a storehouse of vitamins and antioxidants that are indispensable for the skin. The biological composition of sea buckthorn oil, produced from the fruits of the same tree, is incredibly valuable.. It is the richest source of carotenoids, vitamins (E, C, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, K), macro- and microelements (magnesium, iron, calcium, manganese, silicon, nickel, molybdenum), amino acids, mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids (Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega-9), a large number of carotenoids, vitamin A, E and C. Sea buckthorn oil penetrates deeply through the epidermis into the dermis, improves metabolism and microcirculation, nourishes and softens the skin, and prevents moisture loss..

And, of course, summer is perfect for hydrotherapy:

baths and showers with mineral natural water perfectly refresh the skin, increasing its tone, and hydromassage jets with different water pressure, which are equipped with thermal mineral pools in balneological complexes, affect deeper tissues. Intensive massage with water jets gives a charge of vivacity and increases the tone of tissues and muscles, activates the process of blood circulation and, consequently, metabolism, which leads to weight loss..

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