Treating Cinnamon for Cough and Diabetes

16 July 2023, 22:01 | Health
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We are accustomed to perceive cinnamon in the form of powder or small sticks.. Actually, it's a tree.. It has been known for several thousand years.. And we have a special popularity in cooking. But it turns out that cinnamon can be treated. In what way? It turns out that cinnamon is rich in vitamins, acids, trace elements and carbohydrates..

What it consists of Fans of adding cinnamon to various dishes and desserts need to know what it consists of. In this spice, carbohydrates predominate over proteins and fats, it also contains ash, mono- and disaccharides, and quite a lot of saturated fatty acids.. The calorie content of seasoning is approximately 247 kcal per 100 g. Of the vitamins, cinnamon is especially rich in choline, vitamins C and E, it also contains quite a lot of pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6) and vitamin PP. Of the macronutrients, cinnamon is very rich in calcium and potassium, it also contains magnesium, sodium and phosphorus.. Among the microelements, there is especially a lot of manganese in it, quite a lot of iron and zinc..

Cinnamon - death to microbes!

Not so long ago, scientists discovered that cinnamon has the ability to prevent the development of diabetes, improve the body's response to insulin and normalize blood sugar levels.. Cinnamon also improves blood circulation, and its aroma helps brain function..

Cinnamon is also useful for the gastrointestinal tract. It improves digestion, improves appetite and has a strengthening effect on the stomach.. In medicine, cinnamon is used to stimulate, tone the body, and also as an antiseptic..

This seasoning is especially useful for those suffering from acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, because it helps to lower the temperature and stimulates expectoration of sputum.. Cinnamon also has the ability to relieve various types of pain - toothache, muscle, etc.. Use not only the bark, but also cinnamon stalks. They are also an excellent antipyretic and also help relieve pain in hepatic and renal colic..

They stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, fight viruses, bacteria and fungi.. They are also used for diseases such as rheumatism, influenza, as well as for pain during menstruation..

In China, cinnamon extracts in alcohol and water have been used for a very long time.. It is able to destroy about 15 types of various pathogenic bacteria, and even a tubercle bacillus.. It is injected into the eye to sharpen vision and treat cataracts.. Cinnamon also helps dissolve stones, get rid of stomach tumors, and even helps with venomous snake bites and malignant ulcers..

In collections, this spice is used to treat depression, neurosis, to improve memory and stimulate mental activity.. It also helps with senile mental changes, multiple sclerosis, chronic bronchitis, during recovery after a stroke, etc..

Let's start with a simple one - with a cough. To get rid of a cough, it is advised to drink tea from cinnamon, ginger, cardamom and cloves..

It also improves digestion. All these spices are brewed like tea and drunk about 1-2 times a day.. However, you need to consider that you need to drink such a drink in small doses and in low concentration.. It is enough to brew a pinch of the mixture at a time. A decoction of cinnamon also helps with coughing.. Spice can be poured with wine or water, then boiled and cooled. It is recommended to drink such a decoction before lunch and after dinner for 10-15 days..

Wraps are also made with cinnamon. To do this, cinnamon essential oil is added to transport (olive, linseed or jojoba oil), lubricated with a mixture of problem areas and wrapped with cling film. Such procedures help in the fight against cellulite, make the skin more elastic.. In order to cheer up and get a lot of positive emotions, it is enough to take a bath with the addition of 2-3 drops of cinnamon essential oil..

Prevention of diabetes Cinnamon is also used for weight loss. High blood sugar levels are known to contribute to the accumulation of body fat.. And cinnamon just speeds up metabolic processes. In addition, it helps to reduce the feeling of hunger..

Those who want to lose weight are advised the following recipe. In a glass of kefir, add 0.5 teaspoons of cinnamon and ginger and a pinch of red pepper. If the drink is too spicy, you will need to reduce the amount of pepper.. It is also advised to add cinnamon to tea or coffee, you can season it with cereals, desserts, etc..

Recipes with cinnamon In cooking, the use of cinnamon is very common.. It adds a special flavor to any sweet dish.. It is added to various desserts, pastries and, of course, drinks.

. Here are a couple of recipes for drinks with cinnamon.

Exotic lovers can be advised to prepare orange-cinnamon tea.. To do this, pour a cinnamon stick with 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist for 10 minutes. Then tea leaves and orange zest are added there and put on fire.. As soon as the water boils, remove the dishes from the heat and leave for another 3 minutes. Fragrant drink is ready.

Vadim Kirillov nedug. en.

e-news. com. ua.

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