Teething in children

15 July 2023, 11:01 | Health
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Young moms and dads are often unprepared for the changes in baby behavior caused by teething.. Why does the baby react so much to the appearance of teeth, what parents need to do, and how long this process will last?

Babies usually start teething at around six months of age.. Usually by the age of one, a child already has eight incisors.. All twenty milk teeth appear by the age of two and a half to three years. However, in different children, teeth erupt at different times.. Here, nutritional features and hereditary predisposition affect, as the Internet publication for girls and women from 14 to 35 years old Pannochka reports.. net Timing of eruption - rather generalized information.

At 6 - 9 months. first lower incisors erupt.

At 7 - 10 months. first upper incisors erupt.

At 9 - 12 months. lateral (second) upper incisors erupt.

At 9 - 12 months. lateral (second) lower incisors erupt.

At 12 - 18 months. first upper molars erupt.

At 13 - 19 months. first lower molars erupt.

At 16 - 20 months. upper canines erupt.

At 17 - 22 months. lower fangs erupt.

At 20 - 33 months. second lower molars erupt.

At 24 - 36 months. second upper molars erupt.

It used to be that if the teeth erupt later than usual, then the child has rickets.. To date, this myth has been dispelled, teeth can erupt quite late and in perfectly healthy children.. Quite often, milk teeth are not symmetrical, but their incorrect location should not be attributed to pathology..

Teeth may erupt out of order, and there is nothing abnormal in this, until the dentition is finally formed, i.e.. until sixteen teeth erupt. After that, all teeth begin to actively participate in the act of chewing and gradually take their proper places..

Teething: a cause for concern But in some situations, parents need to think about the health of the child:.

• Teeth erupt much later (1-2 months later than average).

• Teeth erupt too early (1-2 months earlier than average).

• Incorrect order, lack of any tooth.

• The tooth itself is malformed.

• The tooth erupts not on the line of the arch of the dentition.

•Baby was born with teeth.

Most often, parents begin to worry when direct teething occurs.. It is quite common to believe that teething should be accompanied by fever, loose stools, skin rashes, and even the development of convulsive syndrome..

Doctors have long proven that such statements have no scientific basis.. If the child is not yet two to two and a half years old, there is a high probability of coincidence of teething and any diseases.. Teething does affect the behavior of the child, but this manifests itself in increased salivation, emotional instability, and thumb sucking.. At the same time, the child's gums itch, so there may be a decrease in appetite and a violation of sleep and wakefulness. Naturally, all these symptoms are not permanent and do not bother the baby for two whole years, but from time to time they become more pronounced..

First teeth: how to help your baby?

Tip #1. More affection and care from parents. Do not be afraid that your child will grow up spoiled. Bad mood and whims also will not give his character positive traits..

Tip #2. Buy teethers. Teethers are toys made of plastic or rubber that a child bites into to make it easier for teeth to come in.. The best effect occurs when chewing special rings filled with liquid, which can be pre-cooled in a conventional refrigerator.. If the child is older than six months, you can just give him a cool cloth to chew on and he will feel better..

Tip #3. Wrap a piece of gauze soaked in cool water around your index finger and gently massage your baby's gums..

Tip #4. Sometimes a homeopathic remedy recommended by your pediatrician or homeopath can help..

Tip #5. Medical preparations. There are special gels that have a local anesthetic effect.. They may include, for example, lidocaine. When using them, numbness of the gums occurs, and the pain subsides..

When to start brushing your teeth?

All parents are concerned about the answer to the question: “At what age should a baby’s teeth be brushed » This should be done immediately after the teeth have appeared. Some believe that milk teeth should not be brushed at all, or that a toothbrush should be used only after there are more teeth.. This is the wrong approach.

Firstly, the child's enamel cannot effectively withstand negative external influences.. Secondly, children often eat sweets, hygiene is not always observed. All this increases the risk of developing carious damage to the teeth.. Saliva production is significantly reduced in young children at night.. As a result, the pH in the oral cavity changes to an acidic side, which also negatively affects the condition of tooth enamel..

It is not necessary to feed the child with sugar-containing foods or give him acidic juices in the evening and at night, because too much acid will be formed in the mouth.. This creates favorable conditions for the development of caries..

At first, you can replace the toothbrush with a piece of gauze. Carefully treat the surface of the tooth, avoiding injury to the delicate tissues of your baby's gums. No need to use toothpaste. The child should sit with his back to you on your lap. You can buy a special silicone toothbrush that fits on your finger.. Once your child is older, you can start using a soft-bristled baby toothbrush.. In order for the child to love brushing his teeth, it is better to purchase a brush of bright color and interesting shape..

By the time the child reaches the age of two, they should be able to brush their own teeth in the presence of adults..

It is necessary to look after the child during this hygienic procedure and control the correct implementation up to six to seven years.. It is necessary to instill skills depending on the age of the baby. A two-year-old child must learn to brush his teeth from the front.. After four years, he should brush the sides of his teeth as well.. After six years - brush your teeth from the inside. Consistent teaching of the child to this process is based on the gradual development of motor skills of the baby's hands..

If your child learns to brush their teeth properly, it will help keep the enamel intact and take care of the health of the gums.. The angle between the toothbrush and the tooth surface should be 45 degrees, do not press hard. Each surface should have 10 to 15 movements from the gum to the top of the tooth, which, as it were, sweep out plaque.. Finally, you can lightly massage your gums with a toothbrush.. To do this, do not press on the gums, the movements should be circular.

A small child should brush their teeth for at least three minutes. In order to control the time, you can buy an hourglass.

Baby Toothpaste Pay special attention to your child's toothpaste.. It must be designed specifically for children.. As a rule, a child swallows about 30 percent of toothpaste, so manufacturers take this fact into account and make products for children safer..

Children's toothpastes act on tooth enamel more gently due to the small granularity, t. abrasiveness. As a rule, the use of toothpaste begins to be resorted to from the age of 1-1.5 years, t. during this period, the teeth have already erupted and are clearly visible.

Children? just like their parents? should brush their teeth at least twice a day. At the beginning of the day - immediately after breakfast, and at the end - before going to bed. Children in this age group like to imitate the movements of adults, so it is not difficult to accustom a child to regular dental care..

It would be good to teach the child to rinse his mouth after each meal, and even better, brush his teeth every time.. You can turn everything into a game by telling your child about \; thus, brushing your teeth will become an element of the fight against these monsters.

Even if the child does not complain about anything, try to visit the dentist every 6 months for a preventive purpose.. Milk teeth are very quickly destroyed by the carious process, and purulent complications adversely affect the condition of the rudiments of molars. The best time to schedule your first visit to the dentist is when your baby is one year old..

Painless dental treatment Fortunately, modern dentistry has developed methods for treating caries in children without the use of a dental drill.. This allows you not to cause severe psychological trauma to the child's psyche.. Special gels have been developed that are able to soften tooth tissues affected by the carious process.. The doctor simply removes the tissues that have become soft with the help of a special tool, introduces an antiseptic into the cavity and puts a filling on the tooth..

Parents should pay special attention to the condition of their child's teeth between the ages of 5-7 and 12-14.. It is during this period that milk teeth are replaced by permanent ones.. Sometimes bite problems appear at this time.. If such a pathology has arisen, it is necessary to contact a pediatric orthodontist, who will be able to choose the best tactics of action in your case.. If you contact a specialist on time, the treatment will take less time, you will spend less money on it, and the child will be able to avoid the development of various complexes..

It is best not to give a lot of sweets to young children.. This leads to a shift in pH to the acid side and the development of microorganisms in the oral cavity.. It is better that the use of sweets and lollipops does not become a habit.. The same can be said about flour: about cakes and cookies. The residues of these products are quite viscous, so they remain on the surface of the teeth for a long time..

It is best to clean your mouth after each meal, you can use sugar-free chewing gum for this.. Children of all ages need fresh fruits and raw vegetables. The use of apples, pears, cabbage, carrots is necessary in order for the chewing apparatus to form correctly..

In order for a child to have healthy teeth and a beautiful smile, it is necessary to systematically visit the dentist, eat well and be able to properly care for the oral cavity..

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Based on materials: pannochka.net

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