Experts reveal the easiest way to lose weight

14 July 2023, 18:07 | Health
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Scientists have told the simplest and most effective way to lose extra pounds. What is needed is not strict and exhausting diets, special exercise equipment or medications, but banal physical activity. Experts from the Colorado School of Public Health are sure of this..

During an experiment involving 100 volunteers, scientists found that the higher the activity of a person, the faster he loses weight, the more stable the result..

Severe food restrictions give a good result, but when you return to your usual diet, everything returns to normal. To lose weight, you need to take 10-12 thousand steps a day, and not starve.

There is only one rule for weight loss: you should spend more calories than you get.. Proper nutrition, along with daily sports for 30-40 minutes and regular walks, is the main secret of an effective fight against obesity..

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