4 bitter but very healthy foods

11 July 2023, 08:28 | Health
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Don't like bitter foods? But in vain! Perhaps you will change your taste preferences, having learned how invaluable benefits for your health will be the use of them..

Radish - a tonic. It would seem, well, what could be worse than bitter radish? However, this root vegetable is greatly underestimated.. Radish contains useful organic acids, mineral salts, vitamins, enzymes, phytoncides, essential oils, proteins and amino acids.. It improves metabolism, improves immunity, promotes digestion, is a natural analogue of a broad-spectrum antibiotic, removes excess fluid from the body.

Different parts of the radish are useful in their own way. The 3-5 cm closest to the tops contain the most vitamin C, but due to the increased rigidity, this part of the radish requires frying or boiling. The middle is the most sugary and crunchy. "

Contraindications: diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage, glomerulonephritis, recent heart attack.

Horseradish - kills pathogenic bacteria, relieves inflammation. Horseradish is definitely not sweeter than radish, but it is no less useful. As its close relative, it has almost the same set of positive qualities, in addition, it has a pronounced bactericidal and antiseptic effect.. Wiping the skin daily with horseradish juice, you can get rid of freckles. There is little benefit from purchased grated horseradish; after industrial processing, only fiber remains in it.

For a therapeutic effect, it is recommended to take a fresh root, it can be found in large supermarkets.. Grate horseradish and mix with lemon juice. In addition, you can make delicious " It is advisable to eat a freshly prepared mixture within a week (until it "

Contraindications: the same as for radish.

Mustard - from nerves. Another relative. In its action, it is almost similar to radish and horseradish, but it is also used for diseases of the nervous system - from nervous excitement and neuritis of the sciatic nerve to hysteria.

Contraindications: the same as for radish and horseradish.

Grapefruit for a slim figure. Grapefruit contains natural fat burners - inositol and pectin, improves appetite, promotes digestion and activates the activity of the liver..

In addition, it normalizes the work of blood vessels, lowers cholesterol, tones the nervous system, helps overcome apathy, sharpens memory and attention, and relieves fatigue..

Grapefruit is generally considered the healthiest fruit.. The largest proportion of nutrients is found in grapefruit peel and bitter internal partitions.. Its seeds are also useful - they have pronounced bactericidal properties..

Contraindications: not identified, but grapefruit juice can increase drug toxicity.

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