The gut: a second brain and can be healed

10 July 2023, 20:43 | Health
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Your stomach is more than a temporary place to eat. The health and well-being of your stomach plays a much more important role in determining your overall health..

Our gut has a whole ecosystem of bacteria and a huge neural network.. This ecosystem is our second brain and contains about 100 million neurons, more than the spinal cord..

It's not a thinking brain - it doesn't reason or write music - but evidence suggests gut health affects your mood.

Gastrointestinal problems such as candida overgrowth, CAD syndrome, and leaky syndrome may be linked to hundreds of modern health problems.. Having an unhealthy gut can cause everything from depression to fatigue, weight gain, anxiety and cancer..

And the most uncomfortable part of it all? You may have bowel problems and you don't know about it. You might think that having regular bowel movements means you have a healthy stomach.. However, even serious bowel problems may not manifest themselves as symptoms of a diseased gut until the very last moment..

Many stomach problems are actually asymptomatic in terms of the digestive system and only show symptoms in other parts of the body..

This means that you may have once gotten sick due to a bowel problem, but never realized that the problem was related to it.. A recent study found that 22% of people with stomach problems have severe damage to their small intestine but no bowel-related symptoms..

The best way to protect yourself from this silent problem is to keep your gut clean and healthy..

There are several healthy remedies, including drinking bone broth, probiotics, and kombucha.. However, since these are usually asymptomatic problems, it's hard to tell when you're getting better.. So how long does it take to clear and heal a painful gut?

Heal the gut - heal the body.

The answer can be found at the cellular level.. The first thing you need to understand is what is the actual surface area of \u200b\u200bthe intestine - roughly 300 square meters, the size of an average house..

This area of \u200b\u200bthe surface is home to your enterocytes, the intestinal cells that are always working to repair your gut..

Enterocytes work so hard that every two to three weeks the human body has a brand new gut.. This means that the gut can heal itself relatively quickly: A diseased gut that doesn't have specific food sensitivities or autoimmune conditions can heal itself naturally within two to twelve weeks..

A study published in Nature found that gut bacteria can change significantly within the first three days of a person changing their diet.. This means that the food we eat largely determines the kind of bacteria that live in our gut.. However, certain health issues can make this process slower and inefficient..

These health problems include leaky gut syndrome, histamine intolerance, SIBO, blood sugar problems, Lyme disease, chronic inflammation, chronic viral infections, adrenal fatigue, or excessive candidiasis.. There is also what is known as the autoimmune inflammation spectrum.

What is the spectrum of autoimmune inflammation.

When a person suffers from an autoimmune disease, the immune system will destroy large amounts of tissue in the thyroid, intestines, brain, or elsewhere..

One example is Addison's disease, where the adrenal glands are destroyed by 90%. Other diseases that destroy a lot of tissue include celiac disease and multiple sclerosis..

But it takes time for the body to destroy this large tissue, and this time a spectrum of autoimmune inflammation can be mapped.. This spectrum includes three stages, including:.

• Silent autoimmune: positive laboratory antibodies with no detectable symptoms;

• Autoimmune reactivity: the presence of both positive antibodies and detectable symptoms;

• Autoimmune disease: when enough of the body has been destroyed to classify it as a specific condition.

In regards to gut health, there are many people who are stuck in the second stage of this spectrum: not enough body tissue has been destroyed to classify them as a serious health problem, but enough to start causing damage..

Considering food sensitivities and allergies.

Science is starting to understand the advice we've been giving for decades: food reactions (such as gluten sensitivity) are on the opposite end of a larger spectrum of inflammation, while autoimmune diseases are on the other..

This means that millions of people live with symptoms of diseases such as celiac disease without being diagnosed with a diagnosis.; only 5% of people with celiac disease are diagnosed.

Those with both gluten sensitivity and celiac disease can spend half a year lowering their autoimmune inflammatory antibodies while only eating gluten once.. It doesn't even take into account other possible problems.

Complex stomach problems can lead to serious and big problems, so if you start to feel like you have something, it's important to get it checked right away.. Start Your Journey to a Clean and Healthy Gut Today.

Author — Lachlan Brown.

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