Sleep disturbance during pregnancy

01 July 2023, 13:19 | Health
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Insomnia is the fate of not only poets and romantics, but also expectant mothers. How to deal with it? Dancing until the morning, preparing for exams, rush at work - before you could afford sleepless nights - freshly brewed coffee plus a cold shower - and you are full of energy and ready for exploits again. But now you are responsible not only for yourself, but also for the little man, even if he has not yet been born, but already now you must provide him (and therefore yourself) with the best.

The human body receives the most complete rest during sleep: organs and cells restore their working capacity. During sleep, many active processes take place in the body, in particular, hormones are produced that are responsible for the growth and sexual development of a person.. A person recovers, recharges with energy, replenishes the resources spent per day. Unfortunately, the expectant mother does not always manage to relax.! A growing belly, increased susceptibility, emotionality, fear of an approaching birth, possible swelling and back pain - all this can lead to sleep disturbance, which sometimes causes some pregnancy complications, such as late toxicosis.

You have insomnia if you toss and turn in bed, cannot fall asleep, go over the events of the past day in your head, think about how you should have acted in this or that situation, your condition can be attributed to manifestations of the first type of sleep disturbance, the so-called "

If you wake up several times a night for different periods of time, which ultimately prevents you from sleeping and fully resting, then you are faced with an inability to maintain a state of sleep, it is classified as the second type of insomnia.

The third type, in which you wake up early in the morning and can't get back to sleep, is called end-phase insomnia..

Expectant mothers most often suffer from starting insomnia. A grown belly does not allow you to get comfortable, thoughts about the upcoming birth are spinning in your head, preventing you from relaxing and falling asleep.

Causes of insomnia Very often, insomnia begins to bother the expectant mother in the first trimester.. Doctors often rank sleep disturbance as one of the signs of pregnancy.. Hormonal changes occur in the body, the level of progesterone and a number of other hormones increases.. The body is actively preparing for the upcoming birth, which often does not give it the opportunity to relax.

In the second trimester, sleep usually returns to normal. Dreams become more vivid, your child gradually becomes more and more real.

In the third trimester, the psychological state of a woman changes. The day of childbirth is approaching, and thoughts about it do not give the pregnant woman peace, therefore, towards the end of pregnancy, many women are worried about insomnia and nightmares.

Insomnia is not a disease, it is just a symptom of some processes occurring in the body, a signal of an uncomfortable state of a woman. Your task is to find the causes of night vigils and eliminate them as soon as possible..

Frequent urge to urinate. The uterus has grown and puts pressure on many organs, including the bladder. Before going to bed, try not to drink a lot of fluids, but in any case do not overdo it.! Lack of fluid, as well as its excess, can lead to edema!

Edema. If you are concerned about swelling, be sure to consult a doctor! They can serve as a symptom of late toxicosis (gestosis). As a prevention of edema, brew a lingonberry leaf for 5-7 days and drink it throughout the day as tea, after such a course, take a week break.

Heartburn. The uterus takes up more and more space and squeezes the stomach, as a result of which it becomes harder for the stomach to cope with its work. You can make life a lot easier for him by eating light, healthy foods and not overeating.. Never go hungry!

Shortness of breath usually occurs in the supine position. The growing uterus puts pressure not only on the abdominal organs, but also on the diaphragm, which can cause shortness of breath. Try lying on your side with a high pillow under your head to keep your upper body elevated..

awkward position. The stomach is constantly growing in size, so finding a comfortable position is not so easy.. Stock up on pillows of different sizes with which you can comfortably sit on your bed.

The child's activity may be associated with insufficient oxygen supply to the fetus, this may be caused by the woman's uncomfortable posture (on her back or on her left side). Try to change your position, stroke your stomach, talk to your baby, and he will definitely calm down..

Pain in the back and lower back is associated with the increasing weight of the child and changes in the posture of the mother.. Do not forget about special gymnastics for pregnant women, they will relieve back tension! In addition, to relieve pain, you can use a back massage - stroking movements along the spinal column from the bottom up..

Leg cramps are usually caused by a lack of calcium in the body, be sure to start taking calcium supplements, and include cheeses, dairy products and cottage cheese, meat in your diet.. When cramps appear in the calf muscles, you need to pull the big toe towards you and massage the foot - also with stroking movements, from the periphery to the center.

Chronic fatigue. Expectant mothers should try to avoid overwork, because the fatigue accumulated during the day does not lead to sound sleep.! Try not to overexert your body with daily chores. Let go of the activities that make it difficult for you to get pregnant and do what you love.. During the day, find time for yourself: listen to pleasant music, take a walk in the park, take a shower, get creative.

Emotional stress during the day. Often the reason for sleep disturbance is intellectual stress - a state when the brain is in an overloaded excited state.. If after a hard day you are simply unable to relax, if possible, reduce the intellectual load by increasing the physical.

Stress. Worries about the health of the child, the fear of the upcoming birth, characteristic of every pregnant woman, can cause nervous tension and stress.. Be sure to walk every day, communicate with nature as much as possible. At least half an hour a day, let your head be occupied with exceptionally pleasant thoughts, in these minutes try to talk to the baby, sing him a song, tell a fairy tale.

nightmares. Pregnant women often have nightmares, especially before giving birth.. And the closer the day of childbirth, the stronger your feelings about this, the more often the brain processes your worries into nightmarish images.. In no case do not attach great importance to these dreams!

Insomnia: methods of struggle - Eliminate from your evening diet such tonic drinks as tea, coffee and cocoa, and try not to eat heavy food at night, if the attack of hunger still took you by surprise, give preference to a sandwich with wait beef or turkey.

- Warm, but not hot (36-37 C) bath with lavender or verbena will help you relax and get ready for sleep. If a bath is contraindicated for you, a warm shower will do.. After the bath, brew yourself hop cones, mint or chamomile, they are good for insomnia. Sleeping pills are contraindicated in pregnant women: they can have a negative effect on the child! In addition, accumulating in the body, they cause impaired liver and kidney function..

- Ventilate the room well, and even better leave an open window for the night. Even in winter, it is better to put on warm pajamas and cover yourself with a warm blanket, but leave the window open. You and your baby need a lot of oxygen!

- If you still can't fall asleep, don't worry and don't worry! Turn on soothing music, drink a glass of warm milk with honey and do something pleasant and relaxing. Most suitable for some monotonous activity.

Most importantly, do not mock yourself, do not overdo it, trying to put yourself to bed. Your body may be transitioning to a new sleep pattern (intermittent sleep at night and refilling during daytime naps).

Be sure to listen to your body, relax, sleep during the day, if you can’t fall asleep at night and remember after the birth of the long-awaited baby, sleepless nights are guaranteed to you, so now is the time to sleep! All in your hands!

Expert Opinion - Take a 10-minute bath half an hour before bedtime. Pour in 2-3 caps of foam with natural soothing aromas, it will help relieve nervous tension. Try not to use products with strong perfumes, give preference to special series in the line of baby care products.

- After water procedures, pour a little moisturizing milk into the palms of your hands and apply it on the skin in a circular motion. Light self-massage combined with natural aromas will give you serenity, as well as perfectly moisturize and soften the skin..

- Devote the last 15 minutes before bed to calm and soothing activities: listen to soft music, read, think about pleasant things, and go to sleep.

Pay attention to this ritual every evening. Repetitive and predictable activities help you set yourself up for sleep.

It's a great way to go from a busy day to a relaxing evening..

With a combination of nightly treatments before bed, you will fall asleep faster and sleep better through the night.

Helpful Tips - Half an hour walk before bed in the fresh air.

- Well ventilated room.

- Soothing bath with lavender or verbena.

- Open window and warm socks on the feet.

- Comfortable nightgown or pajamas.

- Warm milk with a teaspoon of honey and cinnamon.

- Lavender essential oil in lady's incense burner. siteua. org.

e-news. com. ua.

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