How to treat moles

01 July 2023, 09:48 | Health
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Now they say that the more moles a person has, the happier he is.. And in the 15th century, moles, on the contrary, were considered devilish marks.. In the 18th century, there was a belief that a mole above the lip was a sign of a special passion of nature.. So where do moles come from What is their danger? What to do with them? And can they be removed if necessary

Let's start with the fact that in the modern world the question - what do moles mean - gives rise to concern, because they are considered not only an aesthetic defect, but also an alarm signal - after all, this can be one of the symptoms of a dangerous oncological disease - melanoma!

Moles (or nevi) usually appear during childhood or adolescence, and during pregnancy. The reason for their appearance is the movement of melacinites (pigment cells) from the depths of the tissues to the surface of the skin.. Initially, moles are benign formations that are absolutely harmless.. However, with age, under the influence of external factors, a benign formation can degenerate into the most dangerous type of skin cancer - melanoma.. Its insidiousness lies in the fact that it can develop imperceptibly for the patient in the surface layers of the skin for 5-50 years.. Since the cells in the area of \u200b\u200bthe mole are not firmly connected with each other, malignant cells can “break away” from the bulk of the tumor, spreading throughout the body and forming metastases in vital organs..

The most dangerous irritant is the sun. As a rule, in order to provoke the degeneration of a nevus into melanoma, a certain external irritant is needed, the most dangerous of which is the sun.. UV radiation in large quantities affects the nucleus of the pigment cell, disrupting the process of its death.. As a result, such cells are forced to regenerate, accumulating and forming a tumor.. Therefore, if there are moles on the skin, it is better to limit exposure to the sun, and hide the moles themselves during tanning, if possible, under clothing.. This is especially true for pregnant women, because during the hormonal changes in the body, serious changes occur in skin cells, which increases the risk and excitement several times over: what do moles mean?.

Also, their mechanical injuries can provoke the process of rebirth of a mole - especially systematic ones, which often happens, for example, when shaving or combing.

Signs of degeneration Change in the color of the nevus, both in the direction of increase and decrease in pigmentation, uneven coloration, the formation of a dark or red ring around the mole.

• Peeling, itching, burning, tingling.

• "

• Enlargement of the mole in size, its compaction.

• The appearance of cracks, bleeding.

If you have found at least one of these signs, you need to urgently visit an oncologist. Proper and timely treatment is a way to protect yourself from such a dangerous disease as skin cancer..

How they are removed Actually, the only way to treat a nevus that has begun a " Currently, there are various methods for removing moles - surgery, liquid nitrogen, electrocoagulation, laser. Which method is preferred depends on the specific situation..

Laser surgery is considered the most modern method, since the laser beam does not cut the skin and acts only on pigmented cells.. In addition, the laser allows thrombosis of small vessels, thereby preventing possible metastasis.. The procedure is quick and painless for the patient. Theoretically, the use of a laser avoids scarring after surgery and completely removes the nevus and prevents its reappearance.. However, the qualification of a specialist is very important here, since in inept hands the laser can leave deep scars on the skin..

Electrocoagulation is performed by a special device, which is a loop heated with an electric current to a certain temperature.. The loop is placed around the nevus, and the affected area is completely " The disadvantage of this method is that after it, a crust remains for 1-2 weeks, as with a burn.. If the impact was deep, it may leave scars.. The advantage of the method is the ability to send the removed tissues for additional analysis immediately after the procedure..

Cryosurgery (using liquid nitrogen) – this method is most commonly used to remove warts. According to many experts, liquid nitrogen is not the best way to remove moles, since it is very difficult to determine the scope of nitrogen - with insufficient exposure, the mole will not be completely removed, and with excessive exposure, a scar will remain..

If it is an aesthetic problem Surgical removal is the traditional method of removing moles.

It is used when it is necessary to remove an extensive benign formation (from 3 to 5 cm). This procedure is performed under local anesthesia, after the operation stitches are applied..

After removing a mole, you must strictly follow all the doctor's instructions.. As a rule, doctors prescribe to treat the formed crust with antiseptics and in no case " Also, you can not wet the crust and use decorative cosmetics on the affected area for 5-7 days.

And, of course, it is imperative to protect the site of removal of the mole from UV rays - minimize exposure to the sun for 2 weeks and use a cream with a maximum degree of protection..

The question remained untouched - what do “healthy” moles mean, what to do with them? If the mole does not cause any concern, then removing it for prevention is not justified.. If this is an aesthetic problem for you, do not be afraid to solve it.. The main thing is to choose a good clinic and a competent specialist..

Elizaveta Vasilyeva.

nedug. en.

e-news. com. ua.

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