Dentist rose, as often it is necessary to change the toothbrush

07 June 2023, 05:18 | Health
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Dentist rozpovіv, as often it is necessary to change the toothbrush.

At first glance, your toothbrush looks hopeless and ready to brush your teeth, that language is clear, but it’s really not so. Nayimovіrnіshe she's too old.

Look at the bristles: in new toothbrushes, the bristles are not weak, but with a constant stench, they become richly weak and begin to fluff. A toothbrush with worn bristles less effectively removes dental plaque. Dental plaque is sticky, filled with bacteria, and this accumulation can lead to sickness..

How often you are guilty of changing your toothbrush? Write about Woman's World.

Don't change your toothbrush?

Recovering an old toothbrush that has lost its healthy empty mouth. According to the American Dental Association (ADA), you are responsible for changing the normal or electric toothbrush of the skin three to three months, if the bristles become worn. Ale іsnuіє vynyatok, yakscho vy oduzhuє vіd ailments, to prevent re-infection, it is necessary to replace the toothbrush.

Change your toothbrush regularly to the point where your teeth are too wet. Zreshtoy tse can lead to gingivitis - a mild form of illness is clear. In addition, an old toothbrush is a life-giving medium for bacteria, which provokes the appearance of an unpleasant smell from the mouth.

How to choose a new toothbrush?

If your old toothbrush successfully sees the particles that are poured on the teeth, then just replace it with the same new one. If not, then you can choose a different type of toothbrush, if you suspect that yours is not coping with its assigned duty.

Axis help, which you can win when choosing a new toothbrush:.

Manual or electric toothbrush / battery powered: the choice is yours, which type of toothbrush is best. Tim is no less, think about using an electric toothbrush in quiet weather, if you are surrounded in the privacy of your hands, or start brushing your teeth too hard. If you have a temper, remember that two girls need to clean their teeth for the day at least two teeth.

ADA testimonial mark: this mark means that independent experts have confirmed the effectiveness and safety of the toothbrush.

Type of bristles: brushes with soft bristles are often recommended for brushing teeth, so that the average person can see that enamel can be clear. Choose a soft brush, so that your dentist does not have to beat the average or just a large toothbrush.

Toothbrush head size: large brush head doesn't necessarily mean better results. In the rich mouths of a toothbrush with a small head, create a diva, cleaning all the mouths of the empty mouth.

Handle: choosing a toothbrush with the right handle allows you to clean your teeth without discomfort. Brushes with a bent handle or a handle with a bent neck help to reach all the teeth, and the handle, which is not forged, guarantees that the brush will get lost in the hands, wind it up like it is wet.

Colors of love: you will win over your toothbrush for a day for the next few months. To choose a brush from your beloved color, so that we clean our teeth, we will have fun.

Since you have bought a new toothbrush, take it from the bathroom correctly, so as to avoid confusion. Below you can find detailed instructions on how to take care of your toothbrush from ADA Dentist Matthew Messini, DDS.

Chi varto curl a toothbrush at the bathroom room?

You are not guilty of twisting your toothbrush for the hour of saving. Why? To that tse zapobigaє bristle hanging and eradicating bacteria on the surface. Doctor Messina tells about those how best to take care of your toothbrush, if you don’t cherish it:.

After brushing your teeth, wash off the toothpaste and your brushes. Tap the outer edge of the sink with the handle of your toothbrush to get the water out..

Lay the toothbrush vertically at the trim, so that it is on the open floor and does not stick to the other toothbrush of any other object.

Let the shields dry on the floor, so that the bacteria, which were left on the surface, perished, and the shield was ready until the attack.

Your toothbrush is not perfect and at some point you will need to replace it. And yet, you will try to cherish these joys and recommendations, you will achieve more bright and white laughter!

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