Serous ovarian cyst

05 June 2023, 19:44 | Health
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A serous ovarian cyst (cilioepithelial or simple cystadenoma, serous cystoma) is a true benign neoplasm originating from the epithelium of the ovary, according to Pannochka, an online publication for girls and women from 14 to 35 years old.. net The disease is most common in women aged 30 to 50 years. The tumor usually reaches a size of 5-15 cm, but in some cases its diameter can be much larger (up to 35 cm).

In the structure of all ovarian tumors, simple cystadenomas account for 11%. The pathological process is unilateral, that is, the formation is localized either on the right or on the left ovary.

In 28% of patients, cystadenoma is a multi-chamber formation, and in the rest it is single-chamber..

Serous ovarian cysts occur in women of reproductive age Serous ovarian cyst - what is it? Serous cystoma usually occurs in one ovary. It is a smooth-walled (single-chamber or multi-chamber) formation, the inner walls of which are lined with ciliated cylindrical or cubic single-layer epithelium.. Epithelial cells secrete serous fluid (clear, light yellow). The gradual accumulation of this fluid leads to stretching of the capsule of the tumor-like formation and its growth.. At the same time, it begins to compress the nerve fibers, which becomes the cause of the pain syndrome..

When a cystadenoma becomes infected, its surface becomes dull, and the contents become cloudy.. If the inflammatory process continues to spread, then over time, adhesions will begin to form..

Causes Currently, the exact causes of cystadenomas are unknown.. It is assumed that long-term functional ovarian cysts (corpus luteum, follicular) lead to their occurrence.. Over time, their cavity is filled with serous fluid and increases in size..

Predisposing factors for the occurrence of a serous cyst are:.

hormonal disorders;

severe somatic diseases;

severe stress;

pronounced physical overload;

long-term adherence to extreme low-calorie diets;

prolonged sexual abstinence;

earlier (up to 12-14 years) puberty;

specific and nonspecific infectious and inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs;

surgical interventions on the pelvic organs (uterus, ovaries, bladder, large intestine);

hereditary predisposition.

Types Depending on the structural features of the internal walls of the cystic formation, two types of cystadenomas are distinguished:.

Smooth-walled serous cyst. Almost never degenerates into a malignant tumor.

Rough papillary (papillary) serous cyst. On the inner walls there are dense growths of a whitish color on a wide stalk.. Malignization, t. malignancy is observed in 50% of cases.

Symptoms With smooth-walled small serous cystomas, the diameter of which does not exceed 3-4 cm, there are no clinical symptoms. Typically, these tumors are discovered incidentally during an ultrasound of the pelvic organs or a gynecological examination..

As the formation grows, the patient shows signs of the disease:.




Has a aching dull character (much less often cramping). Pain is localized behind the pubis or in the groin area, may radiate to the lumbar region.

Dysfunction of the pelvic organs.

The tumor presses on the walls of the rectum and bladder. This leads to the sensation of a foreign body in these organs, dysuric disorders, constipation..

abdominal wall.

With a significant size of the cystadenoma, the abdomen increases, there is a visible asymmetry of the anterior abdominal wall.

menstrual function.

Usually not broken. Some patients may develop algomenorrhea..

General condition neboleem. net.

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