The doctor explained why the bites of midges are irritated by mosquitoes, and why they need to beware

05 June 2023, 18:19 | Health
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The doctor explained how biting midges are irritated by mosquitoes, and why they need to be careful..

On the right, in the fact that the bite of the midge is swollen, grimacing with puffs, or it begins to ooze with clear visions.

A pediatrician from Kharkiv, Dar'ya Vlasenko, spoke about the danger of biting midges, and how they were irritated by mosquitoes on Instagram.

What is characteristic of a midge bite.

A bite calls for a strong fall in a sprat of a year - dobu, not a crack and so - teasing the skin, and with overworld contact with bacteria - it can become infected.

Bite often blame on the feet, tassels, under the knees and on the tips of the tan.

As a rule, the effects of a bite are saved for a few days and can disturb the night's sleep through discomfort.

In lonely, albeit important cases, bites can cause an allergic reaction that may lead to anaphylactic shock.

Chim bite midges are blown away by mosquitoes.

The mischievous reaction is not in a hurry, but here for good.

Bite midge more painful.

A mosquito bite passes in 1-2 days, midge bites can trim up to 2 days on the skin.

The mechanism of a bite from a mosquito tezh is considered:.

A mosquito pierces the skin like a syringe.

The midge, like a scalpel, pierces the skin, the capillaries bleed and the midge grubs from the "

Midge anticoagulant stimulates the release of histamine in humans.

The axis of what is blamed more strongly and why the use of antihistamines internally helps with a midge bite.

Persha help with midge bites.

Wash the bite.

Whisk warm water that is mildly antibacterial and sweet, so that you can live all the time, where you have been tasted. Better than robit tse, like only remember the bite.

When washing, you see the excess of the line from the unfamiliar particles, which are left on the skins, which can change the teasing.

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