Neurologist Alekhina named 4 signs of a stroke when you need to urgently call an ambulance

26 April 2023, 19:03 | Health
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Neurologist Alekhina named 4 signs of a stroke when you need to urgently call an ambulance It is very important that when signs of a stroke appear, the assessment is made quickly and accurately.

The main symptoms of a stroke:.

Facial drooping Arm weakness Speech difficulties "

Four signs of a stroke to look out for:.

Sudden memory loss Sudden confusion Numbness down one side of the body Sudden vision problems.

“Stroke experiences and stroke symptoms can vary from person to person.. However, if you feel like something is wrong, or if you notice signs of a stroke in yourself or someone else, it is vital to call 911 immediately. This gives you or your loved ones the best chance of survival and recovery.”.

What causes a stroke?

A stroke occurs " Blood clots are more likely to form in narrowed arteries affected by atherosclerosis.

This process (atherosclerosis) is natural in old age, but certain factors contribute to a more rapid occurrence.. These factors include smoking, high blood pressure, obesity, high cholesterol, diabetes, and excessive alcohol consumption..

Ovarian Cancer Symptoms:

The 4 Most Common Signs Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables every day is extremely good for your health. It may be helpful to have oatmeal with seeds and fruits in the morning to help you reach your goal of at least five servings of fruits and vegetables each day.. In terms of exercise, if you can include 30 minutes of brisk walking daily, you're doing yourself a favor in terms of your health..

Scientists: single people are more likely to die from a stroke. medicalforum. en Keywords:.

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