Experts are ahead, like home speeches melt in one’s own health for our health, and the language is not about potentially fire-safe speeches on a kshtalt stove, or heating.
Our booth - do not start our fort. Troubles are everywhere - in the kitchen, in the bathroom, in the bedroom and in the walls. Our potential enemies are often invisible - color, chemical speech, allergens, microbes and bacteria. You can find them there, de, here, absolutely clean, inform Ukr. media.
The axis of the widest objects, like in a booth at the skin, and like can be “stuffed” with unsafe things that threaten our health, - moreover, wind it up like a vigilantly stitch for order and cleanliness.
Mattress In the warehouse, as a way to cover a number of household items, including mattresses, fire retardants can be placed - inorganic floors, like zastosovuyut for the fire retardant.
Susidstvo with such a speech for a person can turn into a partial headache, confusion. Scientists have also shown that the injection of flame retardants can affect the nervous and reproductive systems of the body, the functions of the liver and the thyroid gland and the endocrine system. Deyakі fire retardants are also associated with cancer.
To reduce risks, varto yakom can work more often in the room, tidy up the air, wind it up in the cold, wipe the saws.
Pillow Tse is literally a nursery of fungi. They spores are found in the field, but they multiply in warm and watery places. It is important not to sleep on pillows with wet hair, especially if you suffer from asthma or sinusitis.
It is also important to tick the pillows, so you can clean them, or just clean them regularly. Don't forget to change the pillowcases on your pillows at least once a day.
Bulb Chi you know what energy-saving light bulbs are, with which we replaced the heating lamps, you can hurt shkir? According to the article published in the British Journal of Dermatology, if the stench of the UV light is too strong, it can cause damage to the reddish coats, and the mere light of such a light bulb is a headache.
In order to reduce the risk, experts recommend not to use energy-saving lamps for lamps, flooring and lighting fixtures, in close proximity to such people to spend a lot of time.
Chargers for telephones and electric alarm clocks. Rich in time, what a change strum, a kind of “charging” our phone and living an alarm clock, we can override the processes in the robot of our nervous system and call out real troubles in the body.
As an option, varto vikoristovuvat charging for the phone and other gadgets given in the city, de vie sleep.
The body of the radiator is scorched. Vіn zdatny vyklikati raznі zі zdorovі zdorov'yam, espe cially in contact with іnshimi polukami.
Even if you do not regularly clean the radiators, a large number of saws and wines are accumulated on their cool barrels.
Kilim Kilim — tse right sawn pickers, as well as breeding grounds for allergens and harmful microorganisms. The presence of hairy kilims in a booth, especially if they do not pilosity and do not vibivat, increase the risk of developing asthma, allergies and other illnesses.
It is also important not to forget the cleanliness and other small items in the booth - soft toys, figurines, computer keyboards, remote controls, door handles and vimikachi.
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