Proven harmful Wi-Fi

15 December 2022, 19:50 | Health
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Schoolgirls from Denmark conducted an unusual experiment and proved the negative impact of a Wi-Fi router.

To check the effect of Wi-Fi on the cells of a living organism, ninth-graders were prompted by the ailment that they began to experience recently. They suggested that this was due to the wireless network, since at night the mobile phones of schoolgirls lay next to the beds..

During the experiment, the girls put 6 trays of watercress seeds in a room where there was no access to Wi-Fi, and another 6 in a room with two Wi-Fi routers..

After 2 weeks, the schoolgirls checked the seeds: the seeds placed in a room without access to Wi-Fi sprouted, and in another room they died.

“This experience has generated quite a lively discussion in Denmark about the potential health hazards posed by mobile phones and Wi-Fi equipment,” explains Kim Horsevad, teacher of biology for schoolgirls..

Researchers at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden intend to repeat this experiment in the laboratory..

nedug. en.

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