Pulmonologist Abakumov named ways to protect yourself from the flu

15 December 2022, 07:55 | Health
photo NeBoley.com.ua
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Pulmonologist Abakumov named ways to protect yourself from the flu. Among other things, the doctor recommends maintaining social distance and washing hands more often.

Therapist and pulmonologist Abakumov named ways to protect yourself from influenza infection. The doctor considers the vaccination to be the first in terms of effectiveness.

“The first thing that definitely helps protect against the flu or transfer it easily and quickly is vaccination.. The vaccine is updated every year, ”the doctor shared..

Abakumov advised people who are at risk to be vaccinated without much thought - these are children, pensioners, pregnant women.

Another way to reduce the risk of infection is conscious behavior, the doctor says.. During the period of rampant infections, it is necessary, if possible, to avoid crowded places, reduce social contacts, keep a distance.

Oleg Abakumov also noted the importance of proper hygiene:.

Pulmonologist Abakumov called a way to increase saturation in case of covid "

An additional way to strengthen the body's defense against infection with the flu is a good diet that provides it with protein, healthy fat, and trace elements..

The doctor advised to include dietary meats in the diet - chicken, turkey, lean beef, which provide protein and amino acids that are important for maintaining immunity.. You also need to eat a variety of cereals (a source of fiber, minerals), fish (a source of anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids). Vitamin D and mineral water also support the body's resistance to seasonal infections.. The latter creates an alkaline environment that infections "

How to distinguish pneumonia from bronchitis: pulmonologist Abakumov https://www.. medicalforum. en/ Keywords:.

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