Laser teeth whitening: features and benefits

01 August 2022, 16:49 | Health
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Despite advances in dental technology, it is not so easy to completely whiten your teeth today.. First of all, this applies to coffee and cigarette lovers, as well as adults who did not pay much attention to the appearance of their teeth in childhood and youth.. Plaque fuses with enamel over time, so it becomes quite difficult to remove it with conventional means, and it takes a long time to whiten with toothpastes, in especially advanced cases it takes years.

An excellent solution in such cases is teeth whitening with a laser.. This method has many advantages over more traditional methods..

Safety for enamel Before the procedure, a gel solution containing oxygen is applied to the teeth, which is affected by the laser beam.. During this process, oxygen is released from the gel and its molecules clean the enamel, penetrating deep into it and destroying the pigments that make the teeth yellow or gray.. The action of the laser enhances the effect of the gel, facilitating the penetration of oxygen into the enamel and enhancing its effect.. As a result, it turns out that the whole procedure is performed without the use of any complex and dangerous chemical compounds for the teeth, which contribute to the thinning and destruction of the enamel..

Efficiency Just one session of laser teeth whitening, in addition to plaque formed from cigarettes or coffee, removes the so-called tetracycline effect, as well as congenital yellow or gray teeth.. Laser whitening has a cleansing power of up to eight tones and above, while it also helps in the presence of dyed chips and yellow tints, if other methods have not brought results..

Natural After teeth whitening with a laser, they look completely natural, as they acquire the natural white tint characteristic of completely healthy teeth. The technology of this method allows you to control the degree of whitening, which allows you to influence each individual tooth as much as it is required for it.. As a result, the teeth become natural white, without "

Long lasting Laser whitening gives a very long lasting effect. This is achieved due to the fact that, unlike most other methods, the laser does not lighten only the surface of the enamel, but acts on its entire layer, reaching the dentin.. Thanks to this, whitening is as thorough and deep as possible, and its validity period can be up to five years..

Disinfection Laser completely kills harmful bacteria on the teeth, preventing caries much more effectively than any other method..

To date, laser whitening is the safest, most effective and technologically advanced way to make teeth whiter.. In addition, this procedure is completely painless, does not require an injection with anesthesia and takes only 45 minutes, so it can be carried out without postponing personal matters, and even during a lunch break at work..

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