3 vitamins, as the human body needs the most

01 August 2022, 14:40 | Health
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Now you will know that it is necessary to settle down in the first black on the way of living speech.

There is no correct opinion on those, how much you need to drink vitamins and minerals. Why lie in the way of life, diet and history, sickness of these people. Possibly, who is more likely to reject calcium. And others - vitamin C. At the same time, more often than not, there is a shortage of three vitamins, according to Ukr. Media.

You will know the sources of information below, for such a life of speech it is necessary to settle in the first line:.

Vitamin B. Ale, after all, a lot of people suffer from the misfortunes of these speeches. Why?

The stench vikoristovuyutsya for the life of our entire body. For detoxification, energy, nervous and immune systems. Our body relies on the whole group of vitamins for the achievement of impersonal functions. To that, the provision in їzhu products, rich in vitamin B, is not enough.

Vitamin B deficiency is associated with intestinal problems. Some of the most common signs of B12 deficiency are the syndrome of superfluous bacterial growth in the small intestine and the syndrome of "

Zinc Be aware that zinc is not an important mineral for our body? Tse not so. Vіn helps our immune system in the fight against small bacteria and viruses. Zinc also helps to create necessary proteins in the body.

How to overcome the deficit? More seafood.

Oysters, mussels, wheat sprouts rich in zinc.

Magnesium Cey vitamin is important for our health. Oskіlki our organism zavdyaki yomu vikonuє 300 biochemical reactions. In yoga products, unfortunately, not so rich. That's why the immunologist needs to stock up on supplements.

Є different forms of magnesium. Magnesium glycinate, for example, helps to reduce anxiety and sleepiness, and also does not cause a persistent effect.

aspect. net.

Based on materials: aspekty.net

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