Named six simple ways to avoid diseases

01 August 2022, 11:39 | Health
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Experts have named ways to help you stay healthy even in the season of colds.. en.

Drink more liquid.

Fluid will help remove metabolic waste and boost your immune system. Doctors do not recommend replacing water with juices, drinks and coffee. Green tea is allowed, which, thanks to the antioxidants it contains, reduces inflammation and reduces the risk of developing heart pathologies.. Also, drinking at least 2 liters of fluid per day will help prevent the development of stressful conditions..

Physical activity.

During physical activity, the body increases the production of endorphins, which increase a person’s stress resistance, thereby strengthening his immunity, and also increase the supply of oxygen to the body.. The presence of these factors significantly reduces the risk of developing many diseases..


Timely vaccination against influenza will help prevent the development of the disease, or significantly alleviate its course.. Particular attention should be paid to the vaccination of children. You should know that antibodies in the human body are formed two weeks after vaccination..

Personal hygiene.

Many diseases are bacterial in nature.. This is why following normal hygiene measures will help you avoid infection.. Washing your hands, covering your mouth when coughing and sneezing, wearing a surgical mask, using hand sanitizers will help you stay healthy.

Diverse food.

Try to introduce more greens, cabbage, fish, beef liver, fruits into your diet on the eve of the cold season.. The nutrients in these foods will help provide your body with a protective “barrier” against colds..

normal sleep.

It has been repeatedly proven that sleep disturbance leads to increased anxiety and the risk of developing stress.. Scientists have proven that getting enough sleep can protect a person from flu and colds. Sleep releases a cytokine protein that boosts the immune system and helps fight disease..

Remember that taking timely preventive measures will help you avoid not only the diseases themselves, but also avoid serious complications caused by certain types of viral infections..

medical-heal. en.

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