Daytime sleep, the most important change in the development of stroke and heart attack

01 August 2022, 10:33 | Health
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Just twice a day can ruin your life.

Now there is an important reason to take a nap!

The ideal option for sleep is 8 years at work at night. However, sleeping so long is not an option for you, a day’s sleep can make you sick. media.

The last group of the University Medical Center of Lausanne near Switzerland for five years has waited for more than 3000 people at the university from 35 to 75 years.

Doctors looked at the link between the frequency of drowsiness, the average sleepiness and the risk of heart attack or stroke. It has been revealed that people who sleep 1-2 times a day per week are 50% less likely to suffer from stroke risk Professor of Metabolic Medicine at the University of Glasgow Navid Sattar said that you, who often sleep a long day, sound better, more healthy.

“Such people lead a more healthy way of life, they stink more and get sick more”.

aspect. net.

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