What do acne say on different areas of the face

01 August 2022, 04:26 | Health
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Your appearance will tell you everything about your health. What do acne say on different areas of the face?

Pimples on the forehead and temples Any rash in the forehead indicates slagging of the body and problems with digestion. The upper part of the forehead is responsible for the large intestine, the lower part is responsible for the small intestine.. Eliminate unhealthy foods, Eat foods that help cleanse the intestines, such as apples and cabbage. Drink more water. Also, pimples on the temples speak of malfunctions of the spleen and gallbladder..

Acne on the bridge of the nose and between the eyebrows.

Liver and pancreas affected. This usually happens due to the high consumption of protein foods, fried and smoked. Food should be baked or boiled rather than fried.. Arrange a fasting day once a week.

Pimples under the eyes.

Rashes in the area above the cheekbone indicate problems with the kidneys, endocrine glands and adrenal glands. The problem can also arise due to the fact that you are constantly tired and stressed..

Pimples on cheeks.

Rashes under the cheekbone - the stomach suffers; rashes in the middle part - light; lower part - teeth, gums and diseases of the oral cavity.

It is recommended to consume fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as to engage in physical activity.. Eat dairy products no more than 2 times a week, opt for vegetable stews and fresh fruits.

Acne on the nose • Upper part of the nose - problems with the pancreas.

• Tip of the nose - the cardiovascular system suffers.

• Wings of the nose - diseases of the bronchi.

A reddened nose indicates high blood pressure, and a reddish nasal conic indicates an arrhythmia.

Acne on the chin.

Problems with the hormonal background. Women may have higher levels of male hormones - androgens. In order to remove problems, visit a gynecologist and endocrinologist.

Also, rashes in this part of the face can be triggered by stress, sleep disturbances and coffee abuse..

Pimples on the lips.

Digestive problems. You may also suffer from constipation. Eat foods rich in fiber and give up unhealthy foods, try to be less nervous and worried, walk more in the fresh air.

Remember that acne requires complex treatment.. In order to completely cure the problem, contact not only a cosmetologist, but also a gynecologist, endocrinologist and gastroenterologist.

lady. siteua. org.

Based on materials: lady.siteua.org

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