The endocrinologist commented on the popular "

01 August 2022, 01:23 | Health
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Endocrinologist commented on popular "

Many online health professionals are promoting various time limits.. For example, eat fruit only in the morning.

“I don’t understand where these rules come from.. The body is a very smart and well-coordinated system. If you give him food, he will digest and assimilate it, any at any time. And fruits won't go to fat because you ate them for dinner! "

If during the day you maintain a balance of calories eaten and energy expended by the body, the body will have nothing to transform into fat.

That is, it does not matter at all what time and what you ate. Balance plays a key role throughout the day.

The second stereotype is associated with the prohibition of certain products when losing weight.. Some bloggers claim that you need to give up, for example, bananas, grapes, dairy products, and so on..

If you are in a calorie deficit, then what difference does it make what you eat? You will still lose weight! At least one chocolate. But since our goal with you is health, we try to include the obligatory parts of the diet in this caloric content: vegetables, fruits, cereals, protein, vegetable oils.

The nutritionist called the top mistakes in nutrition If the menu is formed so well that after closing all the body's needs for proteins, fats and carbohydrates, there are free calories in the total daily calorie intake, they can be spent on your favorite treats.

The endocrinologist listed the mistakes most often made by people who want to lose weight They gain weight not from certain products, but from their excess.

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