Dietologists have revealed that in some cases, sour cream can be sloppy

01 August 2022, 00:54 | Health
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Dietologists have revealed that in some situations sour cream can be sloppy Sour cream can become a cause of obesity.

Dietologists say that such a popular dairy product, like sour cream, water is not only corny authorities, but it can be dangerous.

That yoga cannot be used as an alternative to mayonnaise.

By itself, sour cream is already a fatty product, which should be added to the stray, then varto vrakhovuvat, which means it will increase її high calorie content.

It is important to yourself that sour cream can become the cause of obesity and zavoi vaga. Therefore, such a product should not be cooked more, at least three portions per day.

Go yourself about a tablespoon of sour cream.

In general, such dairy products can be replaced with yogurt or milk. No less brown substitute can become a sir or other sir products.

The article is recognized only for knowledge and enlightenment purposes and does not replace professional medical advice, diagnostics or treatment. Always consult with your doctor about any nutrition, as they can blame you about the state of health.

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