Doctors called a popular drink that causes bloating

01 August 2022, 00:51 | Health
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Doctors have named a popular drink that causes bloating While many people on a diet use juice as a meal replacement to achieve weight loss, this process robs many of the health benefits.

Fiber is one of the most important nutrients that fruits and vegetables offer to your body.. It increases the feeling of fullness and naturally reduces the need for unnecessary snacks throughout the day.. When you drink juices to get the nutrients you normally get from whole fruits, the liquid tends to be deficient in fiber, so you can quickly feel hungry.. After removing the fiber, there is an influx of sugar, which benefits the body very little..

“Whole fruits and vegetables are preferable because they contain vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, as well as fiber, which may reduce the risk of heart disease, high cholesterol and diabetes,” said Dr. Lauren Steiner..

Juices can have some benefits by offering your body a variety of vitamins and antioxidants, but you can often get the same benefit from eating whole fruits or vegetables and achieve a higher fiber intake throughout the day.. Also, if you don't consume fresh juices, they may not keep as long as whole fruits, which can lead to bloating and stomach discomfort..

“Freshly squeezed juices begin to oxidize immediately after being squeezed, which reduces the nutrient density of the juice,” said nutritionist Amy Lippert..

To get the most nutritional benefits from fruits and vegetables without causing unnecessary bloating, it's best to eat them whole.. Avoiding juices not only regulates the amount of sugar entering the body, but also ensures you're getting enough fiber, which naturally reduces inflammation and even promotes healthy weight loss..

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