What Women with Rheumatoid Arthritis Should Do for a Healthy Pregnancy

21 July 2022, 15:51 | Health
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According to a study in Arthritis Care \u0026 Research, for women with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), taking certain steps to have a healthy pregnancy results in a lower risk of complicated labor or miscarriage..

The study included 443 women with rheumatoid arthritis and 6097 women in the general population..

In the RA population, patients who followed the "

Compared with the general population, patients with RA who followed physicians' recommendations and were examined before conception had a similar risk of complicated labor or miscarriage..

“Preconception counseling and risk stratification are key to a successful pregnancy because they allow treatment to be tailored to the patient’s risk profile,” says senior author Carlo Alberto Shire, PhD, from the University of Ferrara in Italy.. "

medical-heal. en.

Based on materials: med-heal.ru

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