It takes eight years to get rid of the harm caused by tobacco smoking

14 July 2022, 00:29 | Health
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One has only to give up daily smoking of cigarettes, as the body immediately receives a powerful impetus to restore lost health..

Scientists say that if even a very short period of time has passed after quitting smoking, then the risk of developing many diseases is significantly reduced..

However, the cardiovascular system needs a very long period of time to fully recover.. Full recovery from the negative effects of smoking this system of the body occurs no earlier than ninety-six months..

To make sure of this, scientists from America analyzed the medical data of three thousand people..

Of this number, there were only 850 ex-smokers..

After completing the study, the scientific team was convinced that it takes at least 96 months to restore the heart and all blood vessels after eliminating this bad habit from your life..

In addition, scientists added, the rate of recovery of the body is not affected by the age of the person at whom he quit smoking..

It has also been found that the likelihood of diseases such as chronic bronchitis, emphysema or lung cancer does not decrease significantly even after a long time has elapsed..

medbe. en.

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