A nutritionist told how fruits and berries do not harm the body

19 June 2022, 18:19 | Health
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A nutritionist told how not to harm the body with fruits and berries. Otherwise, you may hurt yourself..

What and who should be limited or excluded from their “fruit plate”, nutritionist Svetlana Fus explained on her Facebook page.

Who and what fruits and berries should not be eaten People suffering from gastritis with high acidity will not benefit from sour berries and fruits. And with obesity and diabetes, you should not eat sweet.

In addition, fruit juices, sweet compotes and a large amount of fruit are a risk factor for gout, the expert drew attention..

“Excess fructose can increase uric acid production and contribute to the formation of kidney stones,” she noted..

The nutritionist also urged to take into account that heat treatment reduces the content of vitamins in fruits and? berries. Accordingly, it is always better to eat fresh fruits than to cook compotes and jams, which also contain a large amount of sugar..

Fruits and berries, by analogy with vegetables, can be frozen - thus, in winter, their use will increase the biological value of food.

“Control the content of other sources of fructose and glucose: honey, dried fruits, confectionery, to reduce the risk of excess amounts of simple carbohydrates in the diet,” says the expert..

By adding fruits and berries to your daily diet, you can make food varied, tasty and healthy - it is only important to know when to stop..

When is it better to eat fruits and berries and with what the Nutritionist recommends eating fruits and berries before the main meal, or combine with cereals, fermented milk products, add to vegetable salads.

The fact is that fruits and berries are easily and quickly digested, contain a large amount of organic acids, which, when they enter the stomach, irritate its walls, increase the secretory function of the stomach and pancreas..

“This action of them can not only aggravate appetite, but also cause pain,” said the expert..

In addition to eating them fresh, they can be used in the form of sauces for meat, fish and poultry.. Eating sweeter fruits is better during the daytime so that the sugars contained there (glucose, fructose) have time to be utilized, and not deposited as fat, Fus says..

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