Dietologists debunked the myth about the stinginess of the sieve and sieve diet

19 June 2022, 16:26 | Health
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New research has shown that the early intake of food is only slightly added to the feet by a snack or a larger portion, as reported by the Internet publication for girls and women from 14 to 35 years old Pannochka. net Dietologists and addicts of a healthy meal all the time repeated innocently: snidanok is the most important meal of the day. Prote nova of the work of Australian dietitians to set the firmness of sumniv, inform Ukr. Media.

The most recent, as it evolved from 13 stages, turned out to be even more simple, but supernaturally effective. On the dermal stage, independent groups of people skipped meals, and in other cases, they ate freshly cooked meals. Then the stench violated on their right with one task - rahuvati kіlkіst їzhі, z’їdenu for the whole day.

As it turned out, the participants in the experiment during the day in the average diet were 260 calories more per day, lower, they didn’t eat.

It was not noted the difference and the total appetite of the fallow in terms of the quantity of the bred. Tsikavo, most of all the same tіddoslіdnі, yakі skipped the rank snіdanok, they spent more money.

Behind the results of their work and fahivtsі they indicate that the ranking method does not play a great role in the distribution of energy, but a decrease in energy. Behind their words, the skin of a person is individual, and as soon as you wake up, you don’t want to get sick, it’s simply not necessary for the body.

aspect. net.

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