Listed foods that prevent weight loss

19 June 2022, 12:28 | Health
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Listed products that interfere with weight loss Some products that are sold under the guise of diet food, in fact, can interfere with weight loss. Yuri Poteshkin told about this, to. , neuroendocrinologist.

According to the doctor, this is especially true for all fructose products that are presented as healthy..

“Fructose is processed very quickly by the body: it is easily processed in cells into glucose, glucose returns to the bloodstream and then, if there is enough glycogen in the liver, it is distributed over the depot, increasing fat mass,” he said..

The doctor added that fruit juices, which are also often associated with proper nutrition, actually have nothing to do with it..

“Fruit juices are essentially a squeeze of sugar from fruits.. WHO writes in all nutrition recommendations that if you want juice, it is better to choose a whole fruit, because it contains dietary fiber, which, by the way, slows down the absorption of sugar in the intestines, ”said the endocrinologist.

According to him, honey, which is sometimes considered a healthy alternative to sugar, has a similar effect on body weight..

“There are indeed useful properties in honey, but honey is almost entirely composed of sugar, so those who want to lose weight should not eat it,” the endocrinologist explained..

Another group of foods that the doctor advised to limit when correcting body weight are foods with hidden fats.. Poteshkin clarified that these include not only fatty meats (for example, marbled beef), but also meat products, especially sausages and sausages..

At the same time, the doctor does not advise strictly limiting bread, cereals and pasta..

“Often in an effort to lose weight, people completely refuse long carbohydrates, which are contained in high-quality bread, cereals, pasta from durum wheat.. This is fraught with the opposite effect: the brain in a situation of lack of carbohydrates requires them through the simplest and fastest way - sweets.. As a result, breakdowns occur, ”explained the doctor..

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