Teenagers may be banned from buying energy drinks

14 June 2022, 18:26 | Health
photo NeBoley.com.ua
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Teens may be banned from buying energy drinks Welsh authorities may ban teens under 16 from buying energy drinks. Also, the plans of the authorities of this British territory include a ban on the organization of fast food outlets near schools in order to defeat childhood obesity..

The authorities of some Western countries are now encroaching on fundamental human freedoms, based on the latest plans.. For example, in the UK they are already planning to ban children from ever buying cigarettes in their lives.. If now the lowest age limit for buying cigarettes is 18 years, then in the future it will be increased every year by 12 months until it reaches 100 years. And that would mean that none of the current generation of British children will ever be able to buy cigarettes again in their lives.. And now the Welsh authorities have announced that they will ban the sale of energy drinks to people under the age of 16..

It is believed that energy drinks are harmful to children's health, as they contain too many calories.. In the UK, childhood and adolescent obesity is a very acute problem, one in four children is too fat by the time they start school. Another important step towards solving this problem will be a ban on the organization of fast food cafes and any places that serve takeaway food..

They will not be allowed to open in the immediate vicinity of schools..

One energy drink has been estimated to contain up to 21 teaspoons of sugar and as much caffeine as three cups of coffee.. For young audiences, it will be forbidden to advertise food containing a large amount of fat, sugar, salt, as well as sugary drinks.. They will also be excluded from the menu in school canteens in the very near future..

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