Scientists have identified the blood type that is most susceptible to heart disease

14 June 2022, 16:30 | Health
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Scientists have identified the blood type that is most susceptible to heart disease Cardiovascular disease is one of the most common causes of death in the world. Scientists have found that there is a definite relationship between a person's blood type and the risk of heart disease..

The Daily Express writes about it.

So, according to a study conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health, people with blood types A (II), B (III) or AB (IV) have a higher risk of coronary heart disease than people with blood type 0 (I).

At the same time, the highest risk of heart disease is in people who are carriers of the IV blood group (AB).


You can't change your blood type, but you can reduce your risk Researchers say if you know you're at higher risk, you can reduce your risk by living a healthier lifestyle. For example, you can start eating right, being physically active, and quit smoking..

Not just heart disease Scientists have also found that blood type I not only has a lower risk of heart disease, but also of stomach cancer..

But people with the second group are more likely to get stomach cancer.. Researchers believe this may be because H. pylori (which causes Helicobacteriosis) is more common in people with blood type A.

It is a bacterium that is commonly found in the stomach and duodenum.. It can cause inflammation and ulcers.

People with the fourth blood type are also more prone to memory problems. And those in the second group may have more cortisol, the stress hormone..

What is the most common blood type among Ukrainians? Note that each nation has certain differences regarding the ratio of people by blood types..

Among Ukrainians, the most common blood type is the second group (A) - 40%. Next come the first group (0) - 37%, the third (B) - 17%, the fourth (AB) - 6%.

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