The simplest procedure allows infertile women to become pregnant

14 June 2022, 16:16 | Health
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The simplest procedure allows infertile women to become pregnant Fallopian tube blockage is reversible with a ridiculously simple outpatient procedure. This conclusion was made by scientists from the University of British Columbia in Canada..

Fallopian tube blockage is a common cause of infertility in women.. And now, researchers have discovered that these tubes can be blocked with a very short and ridiculously simple outpatient procedure, often resulting in natural conception and avoiding the high cost of fertility treatments.. If a blockade is suspected, an X-ray should be used to determine exactly where the fallopian tubes are blocked.. Then the usual thin wire is used, which removes any obstacles.

Researchers have found that in about 25% of cases, what appears to be a blockage on x-rays is actually not a problem when rescanned.. And patients don't need more invasive treatments. Approximately 26% of women in North America are infertile, unable to conceive after a year of unprotected sex. The authors of the study studied the medical records of 956 infertile women who applied to hospitals for 6 years.. They were all told that one or both fallopian tubes were blocked.

Using a new method of diagnosis and treatment, doctors were able to give the full functioning of the fallopian tube to 80% of patients.

The obstruction was diagnosed based on a procedure called a hysterosalpingogram (HSG) using x-rays and a contrast agent.. However, sometimes spasms of the fallopian tubes or pieces of mucus became the cause of a visible blockage on x-rays.. The second time this test was not carried out, because of which women were mistakenly sent for in vitro fertilization. But with repeated HSG, it was found that in almost 25% of women there was no obstruction of the fallopian tubes..

https://www. medicalforum. en.


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