Why aspirin helps with bowel cancer

14 June 2022, 14:14 | Health
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Why aspirin helps with bowel cancer A study has shown the ability of aspirin to change the evolution of colon tumor cells over time. Thus, this medicine is of some help to patients with this insidious disease..

Researchers from the University of California, Irvine decided to find out the exact reason why aspirin has such an effect in bowel cancer.. It has long been established that taking aspirin to some extent protects against the development of colorectal tumors affecting the colon or rectum.. At the same time, it was still a mystery to science what exactly is in this affordable drug that allows it to produce such an effect.. And now the answer to this question is received.

It turned out that aspirin changes the evolution of the population of malignant cells over time. It reduces their ability to survive and reproduce. It's about the real Darwinian evolution of cells. It is known that cancer occurs just because of the transition of cells from a healthy to a pathogenic state, when they begin to divide without stopping.. Through evolution, cells acquire a number of mutations.

The study showed that aspirin affects the evolutionary processes of malignant cells and slows them down..

It reduces the birth rate and increases the death rate of cancer cells by slowing down the rate of division and increasing the intensity of their death.. This is how aspirin plays a role in the evolution of cancer, but natural selection, which decides which individuals in a cell population will survive and which will not, determines whether these cancer cells will multiply to such an extent that they become fatal to humans..

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