The expert analyzed the diet of Jennifer Lopez

14 June 2022, 11:11 | Health
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The expert analyzed the diet of Jennifer Lopez.

Looking at the figures of some stars, many women dream of knowing what is the secret of their harmony.. How do they manage to maintain weight and still look amazing, despite their age.

“Today we will analyze the diet of J. Lo, she is 52 years old, she is in amazing shape. She is engaged in dances. Want muscle memory? Training should have entered your life yesterday, ”says the expert.

That is, in addition to diet, in the life of a star there is sports and physical activity, training up to 5 times a week.

The main culprits of facial aging and the appearance of wrinkles on the skin: smoking, alcohol and coffee. These things are completely taboo.

Now about the diet.

Although by and large this is not a diet, but a diet that the star adheres to constantly. Breakfast - protein shake, a bowl of fresh fruit or berries.

For lunch, the singer always has fish, vegetables (non-starchy) and complex carbohydrates, mainly in the form of cereals (brown rice, quinoa). Have a snack in the form of nuts.

Dinner - exclusively protein. You also need to include healthy fats in your diet.. Once a week, a pop star may allow something sweet for dessert..

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