The benefits of vitamin E during pregnancy

14 June 2022, 05:20 | Health
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When planning pregnancy, vitamin E is prescribed by a doctor in most cases, because it has a positive effect on the development of female germ cells and on the attachment of the embryo in the uterine cavity, according to the online publication for girls and women from 14 to 35 years old Pannochka. net If a woman has consciously approached pregnancy planning, she needs to provide herself and her unborn baby with all the necessary vitamins. In addition, it is useful for a future father to take vitamin E, because it increases the activity of spermatozoa, reduces the likelihood of producing defective cells by the male gonads..

When using tocopherol, spermatozoa become more mobile, sperm production is accelerated.

Tocopherol is an essential vitamin in the development of the baby. But its use must be agreed with the doctor, he will also determine the course of vitamin therapy..

With prolonged use of tocopherol, an overdose may occur, because it accumulates in the adipose tissue of the body.. In this case, nausea, weakness, allergic rash, upset stool will appear.. If you notice these symptoms in yourself, stop taking the synthetic drug.

Incompatible reception of tocopherol with iron preparations. Vitamin E must be taken 8 hours before taking iron supplements. The same rules apply to food.. It is best if it enters the body of a woman with products. However, various diseases (gastrointestinal tract, metabolism) can affect the absorption of the vitamin.. Therefore, doctors recommend taking synthetic analogues in capsules.. The safe dosage during pregnancy is 200 to 400 mg per day..

If you still decide to improve nutrition and get vitamins with food, then you need to know which foods are rich in vitamin E:.

•unrefined vegetable oils;


• sprouted grains of wheat;


•greens (parsley, spinach);

•almost all types of nuts and seeds;



• cheese and other dairy products;


If a pregnant woman adjusts her menu with the help of these recommendations, then both she and the baby will receive useful vitamins and minerals of natural origin..

nedug. en.

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